We invest in early stage
AI SaaS companies & help with GTM

Our experienced team understands the unique challenges & opportunities AI SaaS companies face, and we use our expertise to help our portfolio companies win

about us

What is 99SA?

By partnering with visionary entrepreneurs and providing the capital and growth resources they need to succeed, we believe that we can help shape the future of AI SaaS industry and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Tell us your AI SaaS story
investment process

Our approach

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Online Application

This is our first step. Founders (preferably CEO) to submit their investment applications here. We review each application thoroughly and evaluate the potential of the company, market size and the product

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Due Diligence

If we find that your startup meets our criteria, we conduct a detailed due diligence process to evaluate your company's financials, intellectual property, market opportunity, and team. We also understand your startup's competition, customer acquisition strategy, and go-to-market plan.

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Once both parties agree to the terms, we wire you the investment. Our investment is typically provided in multiple rounds, and we work closely with the startup to ensure that it has the growth resources and support it needs to succeed.

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Growth & Support

After investing, we provide ongoing support to the startup in the form of mentorship, strategic guidance, and operational support. We work closely with the startup to help it achieve its goals and maximize its potential for growth and success.

our core focus

We invest only in - AI SaaS


We truly believe in AI SaaS story. Ways may come and go but SaaS is here to stay

AI SaaS again

We track more than 7000+ AI SaaS companies globally & we believe in the SaaS story

AI SaaS only

Like your AI SaaS company, we have clear focus too, we invest only in AI SaaS & no other industry


Our partners

With more than 35+ years of collective experience in investing & reviewing AI SaaS companies